图 Graph
- 图形题不一定需要建图
- 如果需要建图,考虑边是否具有方向
- 考虑节点到本身是否有边
邻接矩阵 Adjacency matrix
space: O(|V|^2)
search: O(1)
邻接表 Adjacency list
space: O(|V|+|E|) = O(|V|^2) for dense graph
search: O(|L|) 只和该节点的neighbor数量有关
边表 Edge list
space: O(|E|)
search: O(|E|)
- 记得还原每一步所做的改动
- 添加结果的时候不能只是添加引用,要重新创建对象
- 不符合要求的进行剪枝
- 考虑输入变量是否需要排序
深度优先 DFS
- 只需找到多组解其中一种的,首先考虑DFS
- 找环首先考虑DFS
- 递归调用第一步就是判断输入是否合法
- 类似 preorder traversal
- 如果只需要一组解,或者题目保证只有一组解,那么dfs的返回类型可以是boolean,这样能减少递归次数。如果题目要求返回所有满足条件的解,那么返回类型应当是void。
visited = [false]*|V|;
public void dfs(Node v) {
visited[v] = true;
for (Node child: v.neighbors)
广度优先 BFS
- 找最短路径,首先考虑BFS
- 类似 level order traversal
public void bfs(Node v) {
Queue q = new LinkedList();
visited[v] = true;
while (q.size() > 0) {
Node cur = q.poll();
for (Node child: cur.neighbors) {
visited[child] = true;
Spanning Tree
If tree T is a subgraph of G, and it contains all vertices of G
设Spanning Tree的顶点和边分别是V’和E’
|V’| = |V|, |E’| = |V| - 1, E’ $\subset$ E
最小生成树 Minimum Spanning Tree
Prim’s alg: pick a start vertex, treat it as root; at each iteration, choose lowest weighted edge that connects a vertex without creating any cycles. 本质上是先形成一棵树,慢慢添加节点,向外扩展。
time: O(|E|*log|V|), binary heap + adjacency list
T = [0]
cost = 0
for _ in range(n-1):
u, v, w = getMinEdge() # u $\in$ T, v $\notin$ T
cost += w
return cost
Kruskal’s alg: add all vertices to MST, sort edges by weights; at each iteration, add edge with minimum weight that does not create a cycle. pick a vertex to be root. 本质上是构建一棵树的一部分,最后进行连通,使之成为一棵树。需要用到并查集的思想。
time: O(|E|*log|V|)
cost = 0
for _ in range(n-1):
u, v, w = getMinEdge() # !connected(u,v)
merge(u, v)
cost += w
return cost
拓扑排序 Topological Order
public void toporder(List<Node> nodes) {
int n = nodes.size();
Stack st = new Stack();
boolean[] visited = new boolean[n];
Node[] res = new Node[n];
int idx = n-1;
for (Node v: nodes) {
if (!hasPredecessor(v)) {
visited[v] = true;
while (st.size() > 0) {
Node cur = st.peek();
boolean childrenVisited = true;
Node unvisitedChild = null;
for (Node child: cur.children) {
if (!visited[child]) {
unvisitedChild = child;
childrenVisited = false;
if (childrenVisited) {
res[idx] = cur;
} else {
visited[unvisitedChild] = true;
并查集 Union Find
- 找一个共同的祖先或者连接,可以使用并查集
- 如果题目没有给出一个明确的n,很可能是并查集的变体
class UFS {
int[] parents;
int[] ranks;
public UFS(int n) {
parents = new int[n+1];
ranks = new int[n+1];
for (int i = 0; i < n+1; i++) {
parents[i] = i;
ranks[i] = 1;
public int find(int u) {
while (u != parents[u]) {
parents[u] = parents[parents[u]];
u = parents[u];
return u;
public boolean union(int u, int v) {
int ru = find(u);
int rv = find(v);
if (ru == rv) return false;
if (ranks[ru] > ranks[rv])
parents[rv] = ru;
else if (ranks[rv] > ranks[ru])
parents[ru] = rv;
else {
parents[ru] = rv;
ranks[rv] += 1;
return true;