- 考虑使用HashMap进行计数
- 掌握substring, indexOf, isLetterOrDigit等常见方法
- 考虑转换成char[]
- 比较一定要使用equals
- 找符合条件子串,考虑滑动窗口法,关键在于找到合法起始点
- KMP算法
Given a string s and a pattern p, find all occurrences of p in s.
n = len(s), m = len(p)
brute force
time: worst O(mn), average O(m+n)
time: worst O(m+n)
space: O(m)
def match(s, p):
n = len(s), m = len(p)
res = []
nxt = build(p)
j = 0
for i in range(n):
while j > 0 and s[i] != p[j]:
j = nxt[j]
if s[i] == p[j]:
j += 1
if j == len(p):
res.append(i - len(p) + 1)
j = nxt[j]
return res
# nxt[i]: len of the longest prefixt of p[0:i] that is also the suffix
def build(p):
m = len(p)
res = [0, 0]
j = 0
for i in range(1, m):
while j > 0 and p[i] != p[j]:
j = nxt[j]
if p[i] == p[j]:
j += 1
return res